The alpha test of the Telegram plugin is finally ready! Here is a special message from our summer intern developer who has been hard at work on the plugin since he joined us:
"Hola people! I've been working on the development of the telegram plugin while interning with Disa. It's been an amazing experience working with them, and they are brilliant people to work with. Bill joined the team last month and he has also been great working with him. This would have not been possible without Jake, Francois and Stephen's support. It was a challenging task, but the reward was to see one of the greatest messengers of our time support one of the best messaging protocols out there. The telegram alpha plugin will see a lot of awesome updates and then it'll be pushed to beta. I hope the plugin works well for you guys. Enjoy!
Naved Merchant"
This is only the first of many alpha builds of the plugin that we intend to release in the weeks ahead, before a full beta release. Expect many of the features not included in this initial release to be added over time.
Check out the announcement post made in our Google+ Alpha Builds community to find out how to find and install the Telegram plugin.
Last but not least, a special thank you goes to our alpha test community for their patience. In the upcoming weeks we will have some more special news and introductions to our new team members and developers. Stay tuned for that.